If you want to be active and build lean muscle, your body needs the right fuel. But good nutrition doesn’t have to be complicated or boring. It’s mainly a matter of eating leaner and cleaner. Your waistline and your workouts will benefit, and your taste buds may like it, too. Food tastes better when the natural flavors of good ingredients shine through. Despite all the food fads and controversies out there, medical experts generally agree on the basics of good nutrition.
Eat a variety of nutrition-dense foods, including enough high-quality protein, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a moderate amount of “good” carbohydrates, such as whole grains and sweet potatoes.
Limit sugar and sodium. This is important for managing your weight, but also for reducing the risk factors of heart disease, strokes, and diabetes. Getting in the habit of reading food labels helps. Look at sodium content, for example, and you’ll find that much of what we consume doesn’t come from the saltshakers but is hidden in processed foods like bread or salad dressing.
Eat based on hunger, not the clock. The old idea of eating “three square meals a day” can lead to eating more than we need. It also causes us to eat out of habit or in response to external cues rather than genuine hunger. Pay attention to your body’s hunger signals, and you should be able to find the pattern of meals and small snacks that work best for you. Just be sure to stop eating when you’re full, and snack only when you truly need a boost.
Practice portion control. Serve food on smaller plates; research shows that eating from a large plate makes us think we’re eating less than we really are. It helps if eat slowly; It takes about 20 minutes for your digestive system to register what you’ve eaten, and you’ll feel more satisfied if you savor each mouthful. When eating out, choose from a small plate, appetizers, and salads, or split an entree with your companion.
Choose “real food” over processed “food products”, which are often high in sugar, sodium, and chemical additives, and low in nutritional quality.
Pay attention to ingredients and preparation methods. Cross anything fried off your list and remember that salads aren’t always low-cal- not when they are loaded with dressings, bacon, or cheese. Many restaurants’ salads weigh in as well as over 1000 calories.
Stay away from fatty diets and “miracle” ingredients. The secret to losing pounds and managing your weight is no secret at all: limit calories, eat the right foods, and get regular exercise. If you have always struggled with your weight or need to lose a significant amount, you may want to consider consulting a registered Nutritionist along with a Personal Trainer.
Make smart swaps, like substituting mustard or yogurt for mayonnaise, chicken or Turkey for beef, or a side of sliced tomatoes or fruit in place of French fries. Shaving just 250 or so calories a day will add up to a two-pound weight loss over the course of a month. That’s not hard to do. When it comes to managing your weight, it’s the accretion of small choices you make each day that will determine your long run success.
Happy Eating