Fasting and What Is It?

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Before attempting any life altering decisions, it is advisable to consult your physician or registered nutritionist prior to beginning. The information provided is for educational purposes only.

Fasting and what is it? To put simply, intermittent fasting is based on following a specific pattern that is intended to provide optimal health benefits to anyone who embraces it. The pattern requires people to move back and forth between periods of eating, and periods of not eating or fasting. They are timed and scheduled in a very specific manner that is meant to enhance metabolic processes and support individuals in experiencing improved health.

Intermittent fasting itself is less about what to eat and more about when you eat. The most basic variation of the diet says nothing about what types of food need to be eaten, though it does encourage eating mindfully and choosing healthy options. Over the years, many adaptations and variations of the diet have been made to support even greater benefits to those who choose to eat this way. Some of these do include specifications on what to eat and when so that you can have even greater benefits from your diet.

When to Fast? Fasting is already a part of our lives on a daily basis. Every time we go to sleep, we Fast for several hours.  Then, when you wake up you eat breakfast to break the Fast. So, you are essentially already using the intermittent fasting diet as a natural part of your life. When you choose to use this dietary style, you are simply adjusting your fasting cycle for greater health benefits.

The average person typically sleeps for eight hours per day and then eats for about sixteen hours. The concept of the intermittent fasting diet is that you simply extend this fasting period and shorten your window of eating. Most commonly, this is done by opening the fasting window to sixteen hours per day and then eating for only eight hours per day.

How long you will fast for and how long you will eat ultimately depends on what variation of the diet you choose to follow. Fasting for different lengths of time and eating different amounts for different lengths of time is known to have many health benefits. Typically, you choose the one that has the right considerations for your needs and preferences. Then, you fast for the window of time that is recommended based on that intermittent fasting adaptation.

The Purpose of Fasting? The science behind the intermittent diet is based on the realization that humans have been fasting for many years. Fasting has been used for necessity, religious purposes, and instinctive reasons. Sometimes, when there wasn’t enough food, humans would fast until there was more. In various religions, fasting is used for various purposes, often to give thanks or show respect to various deities. Instinctively, humans tend to fast when they are feeling sick or stressed out. Fasting is a completely natural practice that humans have been using for thousands of years.

When we refrain from eating for any period, various processes in our bodies change. This supports our body in thriving during periods of famine or fasting. Most of these changes take place in the cellular repair process, genes, and hormones. When people fast, their blood sugars and insulin levels balance out. They also experience a drastic increase in their production of human growth hormone, which is responsible for repairing the body and supporting it in various healing processes.

Intermittent fasting is typically done for three reasons: to lose weight, to improve metabolic processes, or to protect against diseases. Some people will also fast simply because it is more convenient than cooking and sitting down for three or more meals per day.

Because of its ability to support your body in leaving out hormonal production and cellular repair, intermittent fasting is said to protect you against various diseases. This alone can be reason enough for many to choose to eat this way.

What Should You Eat? Once again, before attempting any life altering decisions, it is advisable to consult your physician or registered nutritionist. When it comes to intermittent fasting, the diet itself does not state what you should or should not eat. Instead, it is focused on when you should and should not eat. However, there are some things that you need to consider whenever it comes to consuming foods that are meant to support your health. This is especially true if you are choosing this diet with the sole purpose of supporting your health, which many do.

Depending on what your health goals are, you will want to pick food accordingly. Typically, keeping plenty of organic vegetables and meat in your diet is a good idea. Making sure that you pick nutritious, wholesome food choices that are rich in vitamins and minerals will ensure that you have plenty to keep you healthy.

If you are someone with specific dietary concerns or preferences, you can efficiently work that into your intermittent fasting diet. Due to the versatility of this diet, virtually any eating requirements and preferences can be accommodated. Simply adjust your menu accordingly and make sure that you are eating enough during the non-fasting hours to keep your nutrition up and you will maintain great health with this diet.

Happy Fasting

Read more: Fasting and What Is It?Read more: Fasting and What Is It?

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